Access & Watch My5 Outside UK
Yes, you can access and watch My5 outside UK with Getflix Smart DNS & Smart VPN networks. Get started free here.
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My5 (formerly known as Demand 5) is a UK-based video-on-demand and catch-up TV service offered by Channel 5 available on multiple platforms and offering a range of shows including movies, soap operas, documentaries, sport and dramas. It also offers Live TV from 5USA, 5STAR Paramount Network and 5SELECT.
My5 features a lot of interesting shows including such titles as Celebrity Big Brother, NCIS, Home and Away, The Special Needs Hotel, Neighbours, Law & Order, Ancient Aliens, Pawn Stars, Ransom, as well as several Channel 5 original shows. The service also offers the choice of channels including Channel 5, PLUTO TV MOVIES, BLAZE, Together TV, Masters of Food, Paramount Network, PBS America, PLUTO TV DRAMA, or WWE.
Most of its shows are available only in the UK and anyone trying to access My5 from outside UK will see the message informing them that the content is not available for their location. It happens due to geographical restrictions which are imposed by streamers. Your IP is recognized by the service as coming from outside UK and your access to the service is effectively blocked.
How to watch My5 outside UK with Smart DNS
What is the best way to avoid being detected as not coming from outside UK? The answer is simple – use Smart DNS. This technology redirects part of your Internet traffic responsible for your location through a special server located within the UK. This way you will gain access to My5 outside UK as well as many other geo-restricted channels which Getflix supports.
What is really good about this solution is that it’s extremely simple to implement. You simply sign up with Getflix (you have a 14-day free trial to test what we can do), choose the device that you want to use for streaming My5 outside UK and set it up for Smart DNS (you can find the setup instructions here) and you’re good to go.
Smart DNS saktar inte ner din anslutning, det är säkert, kräver inte att någon extra programvara installeras på pengar som spenderas på ytterligare utrustning. Din ursprungliga IP är oförändrad så du behöver inte oroa dig för att inte kunna komma åt dina lokala webbplatser.
If you prefer to configure your entire home network to stream My5 on any device connected to it, you can do it as well by setting up your home router with Smart DNS. This will save you time on tinkering with device configuration and enable you to access geo-located sites on any available device from any location.
Om du stöter på problem kan du alltid skriva ett meddelande till vårt stöd för hjälp - de hjälper dig gärna.
Stream My5 with Getflix Smart VPN
Smart VPN är en sofistikerad teknik som ger dig maximal säkerhet samtidigt som du kan komma åt geobegränsade webbplatser var som helst i världen. Hela internettrafiken går genom en krypterad virtuell tunnel direkt till den brittiska servern. Din IP är dold och all data som går igenom är förvrängd i en utsträckning som det är praktiskt taget omöjligt att hacka eller stjäla.
Dina onlineaktiviteter förblir helt anonyma och du kan komma åt praktiskt taget vilken webbplats som helst var du än är. Extra skydd gör att du också kan använda öppna Wi-Fi-platser även om du måste logga in på din bankapp, skicka dina företagsfiler eller komma åt dina känsliga data.
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